This nutrition consultation consists of dietary recommendations that are individually customized for dogs of all ages and the life circumstances of their human(s) in the household. It is not intended for dogs with special needs, such as GI problems, allergies, sensitivities, chronic conditions, gestation etc. – for that, please look here.
Ask a question or book this consultation
What’s included?
- A thorough assessment of your dog’s current nutritional status – you complete detailed questionnaires so I understand your preferences before I formulate.
- A plan for a fully home prepared fresh-food diet, designed from the ground up and individually balanced for your dog, based on the newest nutritional guidelines of the National Research Council. Choice of cooked, raw, or combination. If you are undecided, I will help you to make the best decision.
- A shopping list and preparation instructions, so it’s easy to get started.
- Email support: whether you are already experienced in preparing homemade food for your dog or not, there will always be questions. I provide ongoing guidance and troubleshooting, and if needed the support period also allows for making adjustments to the initial feeding plan, at no extra cost.
What are my options and how much does it cost?
- Premium Feeding Plan (no Special Needs), from $155.00 per dog
Different options are available, please contact me to discuss the best fit for your dog. - Add more support time as needed.